My Top 20 Investing Lessons For 2020

I'm coming up on my 20 year anniversary from when I first started investing, so I figured it's the perfect time to do a list showing my TOP investing lessons learned over the past twenty years…

And I wanted to focus on lessons that could be applied in TODAY'S markets since they're always changing.

If you want the TL;DR the list is below, but I highly suggest watching the video or listening to the podcast so you understand all the nuance that comes with the lessons.

  1. Learn to survive first, then thrive.
  2. Start by mastering one thing (market, setup, niche).
  3. Compounding > fast gains.
  4. Scared money loses, always.
  5. Big gains come from anticipating, not reacting.
  6. Correctly sizing positions is key.
  7. Don't chase the herd, but know when they're right.
  8. Trade less. Profit more.
  9. Look for asymmetric risk-reward.
  10. Remove your ego.
  11. When building size, get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.
  12. Top-down analysis can remove guessing.
  13. Don't let short-term goals drive decisions.
  14. Have non-market related income sources.
  15. Health comes first.
  16. Losses happen, don't let them define you.
  17. 99%+ of day traders lose.
  18. Don't blindly follow guru's trade alerts.
  19. Show up every single day.
  20. Flat is a position too.

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About The Author

Chris Dunn is the founder of Skill Incubator. He is an active investor and entrepreneur with the mission of helping people learn Skills to thrive in today's economy. Chris spends his time testing and building multiple streams of income and investing the profits. Read more here.