If you've been paying attention to the markets, you know everybody is talking about the possibility of a recession on the horizon…
And in today's episode, I want to talk about some ways you can recession-proof your portfolio in case a recession does hit.
I'll also cover my personal investing plan for 2020 and beyond.
Keep in mind, I'm not a financial advisor and this isn't personalized financial advice. So make sure to talk to your advisor about what the right moves are for you.
In today's episode, you'll learn:
- The two main options you have for protecting your portfolio during a recession
- Which asset classes I'm investing in now & which ones I'm avoiding
- Why most people lose money during recessions
- How you can actually profit during a recession instead of losing 50%+ of your capital
- Important lessons learned from investing in Bitcoin since 2013
- The 3 capital buckets and best strategies for investing in cryptocurrencies and gold
Links & Resources:
- My Medium article – “How I’m Investing Going Into 2020 (And Lessons From My Bitcoin Investing)”
- Infographic – Why managed futures can be profitable during recessions
- Infographic – The top 100 managed futures funds
- Article about Wall Street only hiring quants (and firing manual traders)
- Join the Skill Incubator's Wealth Building Community here