In this episode, we're coming from Ngapali Beach in Myanmar, which is Trip Advisor's #1 beach for Asia in 2016. We're talking with Ryan Russell who is a business consultant, entrepreneur, and mentor to entrepreneurs in Myanmar. He was one of the pioneers in Myanmar,...
The 3 Best Real Estate Investing Strategies
[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' custom_class='' av_uid='av-36war7'] When it comes to real estate investing, there are many different ways to earn income and build wealth, but I would like to cover what I...
The No BS Guide For Becoming A Real Estate Millionaire
"Get rich with no money, credit, or experience!" We've all heard the late-night infomercial guru BS that promises pie-in-the-sky dreams of getting rich with real estate. My good friend John Fedro has mastered a segment of the real estate market that is making a small...
The Truth About Real Estate Investing (And How I’ve Passively Made 15% in the Past 7 Months)
Many real estate gurus sell products on the hottest "real estate investing technique". While it's important to know which types of investing strategies are working in the current market, that's only a small part of the equation. You can spend 10's of thousands of...
How To Elegantly Pass Up Incredible Opportunities – Why I Turned Down $170,000 Instant Equity And $2,245 Cash Flow
Real Estate Investing - Deal Of The Year Or A Disaster Waiting To Happen? The other day one of my wholesaler friends found an incredible real estate deal to add as a long-term investment. It was a package of 7 properties that had about $170,000 of instant equity....
How To Earn Over 20% With Mobile Home Parks With Jefferson Lilly
[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' custom_class='' av_uid='av-2o1qcc'] Jefferson Lilly has been building a real estate empire of mobile home parks… He explains it as, "Investing in parking lots that generate...
How To Invest In Mobile Homes To Create Cash Flow With John Fedro
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The Best Markets For Real Estate Investing In America (And Why There’s Still Huge Opportunity Right Now)
During the real estate boom of 2005, I heard a story that changed my life. The late real estate mogul, Jack Miller told me a story about how he made a fortune buying real estate during the 1980's Savings & Loan bust (which was very similar to our latest credit...
How to Earn 22.5% Tax-Free in Real Estate without Getting Your Hands Dirty
In my last post about business leeches, I talk about the need for entrepreneurs to become excellent problem solvers. Although real estate has shown signs of a recovery for a few months now, there is still a major gap that presents opportunities for entrepreneurs and...