I used to hate waking up because that meant I was about to be overwhelmed by massive to-do lists and dozens of people wanting something from me. It was instant stress from the moment my eyes opened... Until I decided to flip the switch. Instead of letting outside...
How Kyle Turned $480 Into $50,000+ Trading Bitcoin
Kyle Holzhauer has an inspiring story... He began trading Bitcoin with the goal of helping to pay off his student loan debt. And thanks to hard work and trading the right methodology, he was able to start building wealth and pay off his student loans quickly. Here's...
How To Rise Above Your Excuses and Succeed at Anything
I've been overweight for the past decade... Ever since my early 20's (when I fell in love with Belgium beer), I've held on to a stubborn 20 or 30 extra pounds. It mostly sits around my waist, so a lot of my pictures and videos have been from the chest up. I used to...
Why Myanmar Is The Current Top Frontier Market In The World With Ryan Russell
In this episode, we're coming from Ngapali Beach in Myanmar, which is Trip Advisor's #1 beach for Asia in 2016. We're talking with Ryan Russell who is a business consultant, entrepreneur, and mentor to entrepreneurs in Myanmar. He was one of the pioneers in Myanmar,...
How Going Blind For 8 Days Helped Me Find Deeper Meaning In Life
After 4 emergency room visits, 8 days of blindness, and long hours of excruciating pain... I can see again. Last week was by far the most painful and terrifying experience of my life. The pain literally brought me to my knees and made me beg for someone to make it...
Infographic: 8 Indispensable Skills Millennials Need to Thrive in Today’s Economy
A few weeks ago I was asked to become a contributing writer for Entrepreneur Magazine, and published my first article titled "8 Indispensable Skills Millennials Need to Thrive in Today's Economy". This article went viral, getting over 1,700 shares on Entrepreneur.com,...
7 Tips For Traveling & Making Money in Asia
Asia is one of my favorite areas of the world. It's rich with delicious food, incredibly friendly people, and cheap cost of living. Digital nomads and virtual entrepreneurs choose Southeast Asia as a great place to work and have a great quality of life. Over the past...
Top Skills To Help You Create Wealth In 2016 (And Bitcoin Giveaway Winners)
Three weeks ago I offered 1 bitcoin to whoever could guess the breakout of bitcoin's price above $450 or below $375 within 6 hours. I found two people that nailed it. Watch this video to see who won... Also, my first article for Entrepreneur Magazine just posted!...
Should You Go To College? (And 5 Alternatives)
[av_video src='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9LzcLAwVR4' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' custom_class='' av_uid='av-1zmbfo'] In this episode, I’m answering the challenging question… Should you go to college? This is one of the biggest decisions many people will...
Wealth Building Strategies For Entrepreneurs With Garrett Gunderson
[av_video src='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV3lwtWMIps' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' custom_class='' av_uid='av-247s6m'] Garrett Gunderson is the founder of wealth factory, a NYT bestselling author, and helped thousands of business owners create efficient...